Sample Measurement Geometries | Edinburgh Instruments
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Sample Measurement Geometries

Cross-Beam Geometry

Standard sample holder of the LP980. Laser beam and probe beam intersect perpendicularly at the sample position. The sample holder is designed to accept standard fluorescence cuvettes. Cuvettes can be positioned so that the probe beam passes through the centre of the cuvette or close to the surface of the incoming laser beam. The sample can be cooled by an external water circulator.

Diffuse Reflectance

A sample holder for solid, non-transparent samples to be measured in Laser Flash Photolysis. This option requires samples to show significant diffuse scattering.

Quasi Co-Linear Optics

A sample holder for low density liquid samples or gas samples to be measured in Laser Flash Photolysis. Laser beam and probe beam intersect in the sample in an angle of 3 degrees.