FLASH Software - Advanced Curve Fitting
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Advanced FLASH Software

Advanced FLASH Software

For advanced transient absorption curve fitting, Edinburgh Instruments offers the FLASH software package.

This software package sets new standards in precision, robustness and speed of data acquisition.

FLASH is an add-on to the L900 software package and provides advanced analysis tools for curve fitting not provided as standard by L900.

Product Description

This package contains a library of curve fitting routines based on proprietary data processing algorithms. This allows a wide variety of different measurements and correction methods to be made.

transient absorption curve fitting softwareThe user can have complete confidence in the quality and reproducibility of the analysed data as it has been comprehensively tested with real and simulated data for validation. Despite the sophisticated and challenging analysis models, FLASH is easy to operate, with an intuitive and user friendly interface. A wide range of data input, output and on screen visualisation are available.


Technical Specifications

Advanced Analysis Tools of FLASH (not provided by L900)
Analysis of first order kinetics, single curve analysis and multiple curve batch analysis, with up to four exponential terms
Global analysis of first order kinetics, including generation of lifetime discriminated spectra or decay associated spectra (DAS)
Analysis of second order kinetics, single curve Analysis and multiple curve batch analysis
Global Analysis of second order kinetics, including generation of time resolved spectra
Analysis of mixed first and second order kinetics, single curve analysis and multiple curve batch analysis
Global Analysis of mixed first and second order kinetics, including generation of time resolved spectra
Calculation of parameter confidence intervals by support plane analysis
The FLASH software licence is protected by a USB key