Academic Collaboration: Roll-to-roll Perovskite Solar Cells Publication | Edinburgh Instruments

Academic Collaboration: Roll-to-roll Perovskite Solar Cells Publication

Congratulations to Matteo Colombo, an Edinburgh Instruments sponsored Masters student at SPECIFIC Innovation Centre (Swansea University) on his first publication on perovskite solar cell manufacturing.

Matteo carried out his MEng studies in the last academic course under the supervision of Dr Stoichko Dimitrov (currently a lecturer at Queen Mary University London) and Dr Matthew Davies with financial support from Edinburgh Instruments. We are delighted to see the results of his work and receive an acknowledgement in his publication.

In the paper, the authors develop a roll-to-roll processing method for perovskite solar cells and use a battery of characterisation techniques to measure the performance of the devices. Part of the optimisation procedure involved measuring the charge carrier lifetimes of perovskite films processed at different temperatures using photoluminescence lifetime measurements in a Lifespec-II spectrometer.

The full article can be found at: