The RMS1000’s external laser port unlocks limitless potential for advanced techniques like multiphoton imaging. Techniques such as two-photon excited fluorescence (2PEF) and second harmonic generation (SHG) are ideal for studying biological samples. Both 2PEF and SHG demand extremely high excitation intensity, provided by a mode-locked femtosecond pulsed laser.

Figure 1: Mouse intestine stained with Alexa Fluor® 568

Figure 2: Photon lifetime imaging of mouse kidney sample
The sample of the mouse intestine (Figure 1) stained with Alexa Fluor® 568. Simultaneous measuring of spectral 2PEF and SHG from Alexa Fluor® 568 dye and fibrillar collagen respectively. Measurement using femtosecond laser and CCD camera. Using the same laser, two photon lifetime imaging was carried out an a sample of mouse kidney (Figure 2). This time a Hybrid Photodetector was used with TCSPC.
2D materials are also often studied with different measurement techniques, the RMS1000 can easily be configured to carry out all imaging techniques on the same sample area providing a full suite of complimentary information. Raman and PL images were collected using a 532 nm laser, whilst the SHG was acquired using a femtosecond laser.

Figure 3: Sample of WSe2 crystal. The darkfield (DF) image reveals areas of different heights. Raman, PL, and SHG images can be used correlatively to identify layer number, and highlight areas of stress, strain, dopants, and defects