COVID-19 Statement | Edinburgh Instruments

COVID-19 Statement


Given the unprecedented COVID-19 situation, we wanted to take the time to reassure you that Edinburgh Instruments is taking all measures to ensure the safety of our staff whilst delivering our usual high standard of service to all our customers with minimal disruption.

The health & safety of our staff, their families and customers is our first and foremost priority. We are continuing to closely follow the advice of health authorities and the UK Government, communicating and invoking these with our staff in order to comply with the latest guidance.

It’s business as usual with the majority of our staff working from home or working under the recommended guidelines in our Production areas to ensure we continue to deliver high quality photoluminescence, Raman, UV-Vis and transient absorption instrumentation. Our Applications and Operations teams are standing by to answer any of your questions or carry out sample measurements on your behalf.

In the meantime, if you need any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.