FLS1000 Archives | Edinburgh Instruments


Showing 1 - 2 of 2 results

Research Highlight: A Luminescent Europium Hairpin for DNA Photosensing in the Visible, based on Trimetallic Bis-Intercalators

Researchers from Birmingham University have developed a new complex for DNA sensing in collaboration with Edinburgh Instruments. Find out how our FLS1000 Spectrometer was used in this research.

Research Highlight: Bioorthogonal Photocatalytic Reactions of Flavins Converting PtIV Substrates into PtII Anticancer Drugs; Photoluminescence and Transient Absorption Data

The ideal anticancer drug would be one that is effective at killing rapidly producing cells, is targeted directly to the tumour location, and is non-toxic until it reaches the diseased area. Platinum-II (PtII) based chemotherapy drugs have been life changing for many, with the most common drug, Cisplatin, providing treatment and cures for cancerous diseases in the bladder, breast, cervix, lung, ovaries, and head and neck, to name a few.